Positive Behaviour Program

Our School Pastoral Program aims at keeping students and teachers safe so they can learn and teach in a safe, supportive environment. The main objective is that students will recognise their responsibility both for their own behaviour and for the natural and logical consequences that flow from it, empowering them to become responsible community members.

To achieve this we endeavour to create an environment within the classroom that is warm, encouraging and consistent. At the beginning of every year, every class participates in an orientation program where they are explicitly taught and practise expected classroom rules and procedures. Students are again reminded of these expectations at the beginning of each term. 

Most minor incidents are dealt with by the classroom teacher usually through a rule reminder, a short detention or brief removal to another class. Where a student continues to display inappropriate behaviour or the behaviour is more serious, they are referred to a member of the school’s executive. Instances of violence or continual inappropriate behaviour or disruption is referred to the Principal.

In all instances, students are encouraged to restore the harm when an incident occurs and to reflect on occasions where they were able to make a positive choice. 

St Thomas Aquinas is part of Harvard University’s Caring Schools Network. Through this network, the school is supported with training and resources to support the teaching of kindness throughout the school. Teachers include lessons on empathy, tolerance and acceptance of diversity as part of their Health programs.

More information about the Caring School’s Network can be found below.