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- 50th Reunion - Class of 1975
Dear St Thomas Aquinas community,
Thank you to all of our families who have booked in for the Goal Setting Meetings with their child's teacher this week.
A strong partnership between parents and teachers is essential for the success and well-being of students. When parents and teachers collaborate, it creates a supportive environment that encourages student growth both academically and emotionally. Teachers provide valuable insights into a child’s progress and learning style, while parents offer a unique perspective on their child's behavior and interests outside the classroom. Together, they can identify strengths and areas for improvement, allowing for personalised support that meets each student's needs.
Open communication between parents and teachers fosters trust, understanding, and shared goals. This partnership allows for early intervention if challenges arise, ensuring that students receive the help they need in a timely manner. Moreover, when parents actively engage in their child's education, students are more likely to feel motivated and supported. They see that their education is a priority for both their family and their teachers.
In addition, a positive parent-teacher relationship can create a sense of community within the school. It shows students the importance of working together and taking responsibility for their education. Ultimately, when parents and teachers work hand in hand, it significantly enhances the learning experience, helping students to thrive academically and personally.
Staffing Update
We have a number of staff away at present due to planned leave as well as unplanned & necessary leave. This is occuring everywhere from our front office to classrooms, Executive staff and classroom assistants. It means that those on the ground are very, very stretched. If you contact the office or myself we will do our very best to get back to you as soon as we are able. Thank you for your understanding.
Ash Wednesday
Tomorrow we will celebrate Ash Wednesday as a school. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a special time for reflection and growth in our Catholic faith and tradition.
For children, it’s an opportunity to learn about the importance of repentance, kindness, and making positive changes. On this day, they will receive ashes on their forehead, symbolising humility and the need to seek God's help to grow in love.
Ash Wednesday reminds children that it’s a time to think about their words and behaviour and to take small actions, like giving up something they enjoy or regularly doing a kindness to others, to help them focus on being more like Jesus, showing love and kindness. It’s a lesson in self-growth and faith.
I look forward to seeing many people as i wander the halls during goal meetings this week.
Matthew Garton
4 | Tues 25/02 | Tombola Tuesday |
4 | Tues 25/02 | Kindergarten Health Checks due back |
4 | Tues 25/02 | Fete Meeting at 6pm |
4 | Wed 26/02 | St Thomas Aquinas Feast Day Mass |
4 | Wed 26/02 | STA 50th Anniversary Picnic |
4 | Fri 28/02 | Week 4 Assembly hosted by Year 6 |
5 | Tues 04/03 | Goal Setting Meetings |
5 | Wed 05/03 | Goal Setting Meetings |
5 | Fri 07/03 | Hamper Donation |
5 | Fri 07/03 | 5/6 Boys Silence is Deadly Presentation |
5 | Fri 07/03 | 5/6 Girls Fearless Women Presentation |
6 | Mon 10/03 | Canberra Day Public Holiday |
6 | Tues 11/03 | 3 Green Goal Setting Meetings |
6 | Tues 11/03 | Fete Meeting at 6pm |
6 | Wed 12/03 | 3 Green Goal Setting Meetings |
6 | Wed 12/03 - 21/03 | NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5 |
6 | Fri 14/03 | Week 6 Assembly hosted by Year 4 |
7 | Tues 18/03 | Fete Meeting at 6pm |
7 | Fri 21/03 | Socks 4 Blocks Day |
8 | Tues 25/03 | Belconnen Regional PSSA Swimming |
8 | Tues 25/03 | SCC Meeting + Fete Meeting at 6pm |
8 | Wed 26/03 | Fete Meeting at 6pm |
8 | Fri 28/03 | Week 8 Assembly hosted by Year 2 |
8 | Fri 28/03 | STA Fete drop off |
8 | Sat 29/03 | 50th ANNIVERSARY STA FETE |
10 | Thur 10/04 | White Token Lunch |
10 | Thur 10/04 | Principal Awards Assembly at 2pm |
10 | Thur 10/04 | Last Day of Term 1 for all students |
10 | Fri 11/04 | Pupil Free Day |
TERM 2 | Mon 28/04 | Pupil Free Day |
TERM 2 | Tues 29/04 | All students return |
Parish Priest | Father Tru Nguyen |
Parish Secretary | Sharon Greaves |
Telephone | 02 6258 1563 | | |
Address | 23 Lhotsky Street CHARNWOOD ACT 2615 |
Monday to Friday | 9:30am |
Thursday - School Mass | 9:30am - one grade each week |
Public Holidays | 9:30am |
Saturday Vigil | 6:00pm |
Sunday | 9:00am Children's liturgy is held during the school term. All families are welcome to attend. |
Years 3 & 5 - NAPLAN Information
NAPLAN testing will occur in our school between 12 and 21 March 2025 for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
Online NAPLAN tests provide more precise results and are engaging for students. The tests are tailored (or adaptive), which means that each test presents questions that may be more or less difficult depending on a student’s responses. This helps students remain engaged with the assessment.
Tailored testing allows a wider range of student abilities to be assessed and measures student achievement more precisely. A student’s overall NAPLAN result is based on both the number and complexity of questions they answer correctly. Your child should not be concerned if they find questions challenging; they may be taking a more complex test pathway.
All Year 3 students will continue to complete the writing assessment on paper.
NAPLAN provides valuable information to schools and parents about literacy and numeracy achievement. It supports school improvement processes by enabling teachers to monitor student progress over time and to identify areas of strength and development.
Parents can choose to Withdraw their child from NAPLAN for a number of reasons. If this is something you would like to consider, please complete the below form and return to the school as soon as possible.
All eligible students are encouraged and supported to participate in NAPLAN testing. Visit to see interactive versions of the test and for more information.
To ensure the health and safety of all children it is essential that all medication be provided directly to the front office. This includes one off medication requirements as well as ongoing medication. In addition, we have a number of children on Schedule 8 medication for management of a number of neurodiverse diagnoses. If your child requires Schedule 8 medication throughout the school day please contact the front office for the relevant forms and provide medication in a webster pack to the front office. Medication should not be administered by children during school hours.
Asthma Medication requires recording and therefore cannot remain in students bags. The best practice is to have Ventolin easily available to all staff should your child require it. If your child has a puffer in their school bag, please ensure they let the Classroom teacher know. It will be sent to the Front Office for processing.
To ensure the safety of all our students we request that you please assist us by using the correct avenues in administrating medication during school hours.
Last week ICT User Agreements and Media and Photo Permissions were sent to families via the Compass Parent Portal. The Agreements can be found under events.
Please ensure you complete the Agreements as soon as possible. Please note that students must complete the ICT User Agreement in order to access technology in the classroom and around the school.
Please do not heistate to contact the front office if you are experiencing any difficulties accessing or completing the Agreements.
Meet eSafety’s Mighty Heroes, who have learned to use four special powers to protect themselves online.
Billie the bilby – I investigate
See how Billie uses the power of investigation to figure out what is real and fake online.
Counsellor News - Separation Anxiety
Dear Parents,
With the return to a new school year, schedules are starting to get very busy again and it’s a lot on us as parents, and it’s even more on our kids. Take this article as permission look after yourselves! Monitor how your kids are going and if you are observing post-school melt downs happening more than just occasionally, it is time to respond by simplifying the after school routine.
Here’s some tips to help make late afternoons more peaceful when your child is adjusting to the new school year:
Expect kids to fall apart – Your child might hold it all together and be on their best behaviour at school and then the minute they get home they go off the rails. This is NORMAL behaviour. At school your child works so hard to follow all the rules and have so many social interactions, it’s tiring and they need to let it out at some point.
Plan for downtime – School days are draining and your child needs to balance the demands of a new school year with some relaxation and rest. When you notice a pattern of after-school meltdowns, clear their afternoon/evening schedule for the week where possible. Postpone the playdates, skip the supermarket visit after school, and go straight home and let your child unwind.
Have a healthy snack ready – Your child might not eat enough at school. Drinking and eating are social in nature, and children just tend to snack until they are comfortable. Be prepared for their end of school day HANGRY side to come out and be ready with a nutrient dense snack.
Don’t take it personally – You’re probably so excited to see your child/ren at the end of the day to give them a hug and find all about what they got up to at school. Then you pick them up and they are tired and limited in what they want to share, making you feel disappointed or rejected. It’s not about you, give them space, time, rest and food.
Sensory play – Draw a bath with lots of bubbles and their favourite bath toys. Or put on some calm music and let them relax with a puzzle, play dough or kinetic sand play. They will love it and it will help them unwind.
A popular book for those in junior primary school at the moment is by Author Jane Godwin and illustrator Anna Walker. They have created a delightful picture book all about families’ busy lives. It’s called ‘Today We Have No Plans’ – ‘a busy week, a slower day brings time to dream and time to play’. Also available for loan at Libraries ACT.
Ongoing concerns about back to school anxiety;
If your child is showing signs of difficulties with adjustment beyond the first few weeks of school term, such as ;
– physical symptoms like stomach aches, headaches or nausea
– trouble sleeping
– changes in appetite;
– changes in behaviour;
- expressing not wanting to go to school
They may be experiencing anxiety.
If you have concerns about your child experiencing back to school anxiety-
remember to make some quiet time together and ask open-ended questions – for example, ‘How are you feeling about starting/going/being back to school?’ This gives your child a chance to share their thoughts, feelings and anything that’s worrying them.
Listen closely and acknowledge your child’s feelings. For example, ‘I can see why you would be worried about starting in a new class. I know that lots of kids feel anxious about making new friends.’
Remember, school is a major part of your child’s life, so try to see things from their point of view and don’t dismiss their worries, even if they seem small or silly to you. You don’t need to have all the answers or be able to fix things. Instead, the most important thing is that your child believes they can overcome their feelings of anxiety and knows that you’re there to help them through it.
For more information on how to support your child through back to school anxiety, please have a look the following article on the Emerging Minds website;
If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to speak with your school teachers or the school counsellor to seek for further support.
Emma Yu
Student and Family Counsellor
School Student Broadband Initiative (free NBN service)
To boost education opportunities and narrow the digital divide, the Australian Government is providing up to 30,000 qualifying families with school age children a free NBN service. The Initiative has been extended meaning:
- Families can continue to sign up to access the initiative in 2025, until all available 30,000 places have been filled.
- All families, existing and new, will receive free internet until 30 June 2028.
The Government has invested $13.7 million to implement the Initiative in partnership with NBN Co.
To qualify families and carers must:
- Have a school age student at home (full or part time), enrolled in an Australian school (up to year 12 including Prep in Qld/Vic/Tas, Kindergarten in NSW, Reception in SA, Transition in NT/ACT and Pre-Primary in WA).
- Not have an active NBN network internet service at your current residential address now or in the past 14 days (having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility).
- Live in a premise that can access the NBN network through a standard connection.
To apply or for further information please click here.
Please join us at our Morning Assembly on Friday at 8:50pm to celebrate our Class Award & White token recipients
ELC Acacias | Eliana R Frederick D |
ELC Coolabahs |
Morgan T |
ELC Waratahs | Daniel M Ruby B |
KB | Ashton D Aahaan K |
KG | Arlo S Chelsea T |
1B | Lachlan A Keeva R |
1G | Lexi K Jack P |
2B | Isaac H Ninganaar F |
2G | Arleth MT Casey M |
3B | Anna D Muhammad M |
3G | Maci M Jett B |
4B | Romeo C C Mason N |
4G | Lincoln D Lorelei M |
5B | Agot A Jedidah N |
5G | Rhythm G Michael P |
6B | Charli C Darcy A |
6G | Leilani M Parker W |
Layla H | Elodie A | Raydon A | Rohi B |
Ivy L H | Lucas M | Edison B | Leo W |
Gibson H | Keeva R | Emilia S | Skylar W |
Phoebe S | Sienna K | Ellie H | Sophie K |
Layne M | Ava G | Daniel K |
Jack B, Seneca B, August S, Mackenzie R, Harris W, Lily H, Immanuel P, Jessica R, Dylan W, Aahaan K, Skylar W, Abbey T, Olivia O, Racheal P, Evelyn G, Audrey K, Emilia S, Savanna H, Austin K, George P, Lina H,
Isaac H
A reunion will be held on the weekend of 18 October 2025 for students from Catholic Girls High School Braddon and Daramalan College, who finished Year 12 in 1975 (including those from that group who finished before Year 12).
Several activities are planned over the weekend, with the main event on Saturday evening 18th. To RSVP, please use one of the event channels:
Facebook: Daramalan College Alumni group; Merici College Alumni group; or Dara - Braddon 1975 group
Spread the word to your classmates